I got some photos in this one with a bunch of homies!
Get a copy here – http://www.pauwaupublications.com/
by Ray Potes
I got some photos in this one with a bunch of homies!
Get a copy here – http://www.pauwaupublications.com/
I was sitting at my table at the SF Art Book Fair a few months ago when I overheard 2 photographers talking about another photographer. One of them asked, “When is he going to graduate from making zines?” and I am guessing that translates to something like, “When is he going to make an important book, or have an important gallery show, or do some important commercial work?..”
This is what I am supposed to be doing is how I feel about it. If they had asked me.
I have probably mentioned Daido’s quote on this blog already but here it is again. He said, “My work isn’t finished until it is on the printed page.” This wraps up the whole topic for me.
I got 2 new zines and they will be free. Actually all my zines from now on will be free, edition of 50, and will ship with orders from – http://zinekong.com
I like riding my bike from my house to the beach via the LA River bike trail.
I hope my hair doesn’t come off like this. I don’t think it does. My mom wants me to cut it, but maybe she would like it more if it looked like this. I can’t grow a goatee though. Even if I could grow the hair, I just couldn’t get myself to cut out a goatee. Unless maybe I was doing some sort of costume but I can’t even think of a character that has this facial hair, it’s like I blanked them all out of my memory.
This is right by my house. I see cars all the time, but I never see people.
I wanted at least one of these basketballs. But then was feeling like what if this isn’t a pile of garbage and people are just waiting for the moving truck to pull up.
This is from when I was in New York last month. I smoked a bunch of weed with my brother. I don’t know if you can tell in the photo but that’s a gigantic nug. I hardly smoked in my 30s and now 40s, maybe once or twice a year only, but in my 20s I was an addict. Recently I been having cravings, like maybe it is time to reunite with the plant allies. Everyone I know is holding, and I put the word out on the streets. No one has come through yet..
I think I figured it out guys. I have been feeding my instagram into this blog but am realizing 1. that’s lazy blogging, 2. that’s double dipping, 3. instagram sucks. So now I’m thinking I will post everything here because it is more fun and insta is becoming too profesh. And then the insta will be like a best of this blog instead of the other way around as it has been kind of. That’s a much better idea yeah?
The above photo is from X-Men Apocalypse when Beast is getting got by Psylocke.
Jason moved into a new studio.
I like the penguin.
The front part is retail, the rest is work space.
I got a car now. I’m a driver again and going west during sunset is nice.
This is gross. This is my mouth. That is the roof of my mouth and my upper teeth. It’s hard to see exactly where in this photo are the problem areas because it such a mess in there. On my right side, I have a cracked tooth where pieces of teeth and pieces of filling broke off last week while I was in New York. Since then it has been hurting. You can see where a tooth has already been extracted. It’s next to that. A few months ago my dentist said I would be needing a root canal right there. She also said I have big cavity on my left side and if we don’t fix that one soon, it will be need a root canal as well. That one also had some pieces break off and it left really sharp edges.
I used to joke with my friends and chew food with just my front teeth saying that’s how I have to learn to eat since all my other teeth will be gone. Why would I even joke about that because now look at me. I always had teeth problems and I always would neglect the problems till its too late.
The pain comes in waves. Mostly right side, but both sides. I have been through pretty much every kind of tooth pain before so my tolerance levels are high. I also know how to handle it. Keep it clean, floss that zone, swish with coconut oil to kill bacteria. Once the pain is gone, your chilling. Eventually the tooth will die and then you wont feel anything. Sometimes the tooth will just abort itself or you can go get it extracted which is way cheaper than fillings, root canal, implants, etc.
But last night it was hurting pretty bad. I bummed myself out. I can’t afford to go to the dentist right now and even if I could they would most likely extract those teeth and I can’t afford to lose any more teeth. You can’t see it that well here but I lost a bunch of teeth on the bottom row. I can go on and on about bad habits. But now is time for some big time power moves. Long term power moves. I wanted to post this photo for 1. accountability and 2. progress reports.
I stayed up late reading about reversing tooth decay and remineralizing teeth. I had heard of it before and the first time I researched I even switched to all natural products and started the coconut oil stuff. That was years ago though and very casual. This time I want to incorporate the diet and all the supplements. I ordered the book and some other things on amazon today. I went and got bone broth and probiotics today. Today is day 1 of no grains and supposed to be no sugar but I had some fruit. I had a salad for lunch and I chopped up a whole cucumber and threw it in there. And not even 24 hrs into it, my tooth feels better.
Anyways, this diet I think will help with another problem I got going on, an auto immune disease called lupus. I have a stack of books and have read a ton about healing but I have not fully committed even though I do believe it can help me a lot. It’s tough to change everything at once. And it’s tough doing it solo. This rotten tooth is motivating me more than ever though and it feels good just thinking about it. People have successfully cured their teeth problems and avoided extractions. People have also rid themselves of all symptoms of auto immune disease. All through diet and using food as medicine. I wont delete this post. And I will make more reports as we go. I need your support. Thanks in advance.
I went to New York again for the annual New York Art Book Fair. It is always fun, stress, overwhelming, lucrative, and necessary. I love it. I posted most of the photos on the Hamburger Eyes insta (@hamburger_eyes) and my insta (@rays_reports) and I was going to repost them here but nah. Here’s just a few extras.
This year we got a little piece of wall. I was psyched to hang up some of my laser pages. This is my favorite jam right now.
Near the Moma there was a strike happening.
We were coming home from a bar and my brother and I started snapping this bush. Some guy walking by was saying that these flowers are only open because of the full moon and that by morning time they will all be closed up. I didn’t believe him. These are just Morning Glory flowers right? They open regardless of full moon and some are day time and some are night time. Right?
This is what it looks like from behind the table in a rare moment of not helping someone or answering questions.
Dave is making breakfast.
Not much going on lately. I was out of town for June and most of July and then spent this past month just trying to catch up. I am about to go to New York and it’s time to dump photos to clear space on my phone. Here are some highlights from August that didn’t make it to Insta or Snap.
Tom Schmidt and Tobin. Big Brothers. Tobin had a barbeque. It was chill. My friend Keith used to say, “Come over we’re barbequeing, but we’re not having a barbeque.” Basically saying come over, but don’t tell anyone. I get it, that’s why we we’re friends. He also used to say, “I hate surfer girls, but I love girls who surf.” He also used to say he hated Eminem but you get in his car and he is full blasting Eminem.
I actually started “running”. What helps a lot is that I got into audio books. If you speed up the speed, you can blast through 1 or even 2 books in a day. It has changed everything for me. Anyways, lately the running has turned into walking but I soak more of the book in this way and also can get some photos off. Triple tasking. * Notice the decline in my snaps though, it’s because the audio stops when I open the snapchat app and doesn’t start back up on its own. Bummer.
I go on at least 2 or 3 walks a day. This includes post office, staples, groceries, etc. I hardly ride my bike anymore unless going to the beach. * Note that my car died in December, so yes my legs are getting buff.
There’s a song called “Shattered Dreams” by a band called “Johnny Hates Jazz”. It ended up on 2 different playlists I made recently. I usually don’t like doing that, but it just has that multi dimensional multi situational vibe.
This isn’t a Corgi, but makes me think of a Corgi I thought of named “Mr. Corgi.”
Sandy and cucumber.
Jamie came over for the Nate Diaz vs Conor Mcgregor fight. I would say one of the most exciting fights I have ever seen. Well worth the money and can’t wait for the 3rd match.
Fake ass baby cop training.
Crackhead campground.
Electrical box camo.
I like low to the ground couches but maybe this is too much. Nah, I take that back. I could chill here. * Note this park in the background is where Snoop got wrapped up in that murder case years ago. Sean Maung told me. Also, when I first moved to this neighborhood, a little over a year ago, my sister said she had read that this is the safest neighborhood in L.A. and then that same week a bunch of streets were shut down because 2 guys with guns were getting chased all over the hood and it ended with someone getting shot and killed here in this park.
This is the scene in Dark Knight Rises where Bane breaks Batman’s back. You saw it. It was good. First, Bane destroys Batman’s bank accounts and whole life and whole city. Then he breaks his back in half. Then he banishes him to this prison at the bottom of a giant pit in Morrocco or some shit where Bane himself once lived and had to escape. Great story. We must all learn how to strengthen our backs up and break out of prison asap is what I learned from it.
Catwoman set it up, now she just watches him almost die. I smiled at Anne Hathaway once at M Cafe. She didn’t smile back, in fact looked super bummed that I even acknowledged her. Whenever I tell my celeb story to anyone, they always talk about her terrible reputation and nightmare status on set. I’m thinking how does one with such a bad rep get any work at all? Maybe she is just very misunderstood. I’ll find out more. Thanks.
So just finished 5 days in Munich, and 5 days in Berlin, and then 3 days in NYC was the plan. I ended up staying 10 days in New York. The weather was good, 8 Ball Zine Fair was coming up, and this is the first time Dave didn’t have tons of room mates and animals around.
I swear to GOD when we got home from the airport we saw a rat cruising the block with a slice of pizza in his mouth. I went for the photo and chased him maybe 20 ft before he bailed the pizza and jumped into this yard.
It was cool being able to catch up on the NBA finals. We couldn’t get it cracking in Germany.
Dave’s deck. So chill.
I was stressed about making the decision to stay an extra week or so. I couldn’t just change the ticket, I had to buy a whole new one way and it was pretty much all my money. Dave said to pull a card. This was it. I forgot what it meant.
Dave had access to a car for a day, we went to Ikea so he could buy a bed. Dude in the back is psyched too.
This is the worst pizza I have ever seen and eaten.
This is Anita visiting from Australia. She’s rad. We sent this photo to Andrea.
Jimmie and Vic. The first time I moved to SF, I lived with these guys.
This dude was sipping and riding one footed for a sec, I missed the shot.
This dog has red socks on all his paws.
Julia chilling, dude in back chilling.
This pizza place really was the best.
Draymond was balling out of control in the first half. Bummer they lost. Epic season though.
This is Gabe at Desert Island. You can find our zines there. He has been buying our stuff for years. He’s rad.
If you haven’t seen “Spy” yet, watch it asap. It’s hilarious.
This dog had cool wheels.
I was ready to spend $100 here but these guys were dicks and ignoring me so I bailed.
90% of the time I feel like my phone can shoot anything and it’s all I need. But that 10% of the time when I need it to freeze action or nail something and it misses, man it bums me out so much. I know I need to get a new camera and just run a camera around my neck like a normal photographer. Gear is expensive though, and fragile, and will be outdated in a year. My first choice is about $1200 and my second choice is $800.
We went to Rockaway Beach. I told Sofia to just meet us there, but when we got off to transfer, it turned out she was already on the same train as us.
My new phone is water proof. So of course I was selfie-ing…
…until this wave took me out. My hat, my phone, and my glasses went flying. Somehow I caught my hat and phone super quick, handed them to Kappy and then went back for the glasses. Searched for a couple hours. Nothing.
Still had fun though. Dave works at Rippers.
The clouds are so different here.
This is huge for New York. I never hated the Knicks, I will watch some of their games but now I am for sure watching most of them probs.
8 Ball HQ.
Got way into this racing game. I bought the Lamborghini Countach.
This dude makes delicious pizza.
Look at it.
8 Ball Zine Fair. But first the Pride Parade was happening a block away.
Dubnation represented.
My phone missed this shot. Sure not all cameras are gonna get everything, but some cameras are def more responsive and quicker to focus. Camera phones are on the low end of this action scale. And it’s not cool, 10% of the time.
Empire State Building. RIP King Kong.
Nick and Andreas.
Troy made a virtual reality zine.
Kappy and Devin.
Cooper and Yoma.
Julia and Kenny.
Jill Freedman and Lele.
One last meal. The collar of a Blue Fish.
And one last stroll through the park. See you again in Sept NYC.
After the opening it was straight to Berlin for the Berlin Art Book Fair. I would be getting there on Day 2 of it, but Dennis was there already and manning the table we had split.
This was a weird structure at the Munich airport.
The location of the book fair was a 10 min cab ride from the Berlin airport. Chill.
Dennis chilling.
After the fair, we headed back to Dennis’ place. This dude was passed out on the train and his 2 dogs would bark at anyone coming near him. It was awesome.
But as soon as the next stop, the cops came and got him.
We got off on our stop and this tripper barged on Dennis.
Berlin is cool.
Dennis was subletting Beaver’s place. I stayed there 1 night because cousin Rob was still in Munich. This ice cream cone was in the little front door lobby area.
We hit the streets with some beers.
Day 2 and there was 2 ice creams cones this time.
Went cruising for some breakfast.
Then back to the book fair for the last day.
Our table was right in between Claudio (Pogo Books) and Sergej (Sergej Vutuc), so we had the best spot in the whole place.
After the book fair, went and chilled at cousin Rob’s place. The next morning we went for some breakfast and beers.
Boser Hund.
Rob gave Dave 2 tattoos, but Dave didn’t give Rob any.
Then we hit the streets again.
Dave had to go to Copenhagen for a day and then back to New York. I had one more day in Berlin.
I met Meloo in LA randomly years ago. We re-connected at the book fair and he is now carrying our zines and books at his store, In Surgo.
I always love these hand painted movie posters.
He has a rad toilet too.
We went cruising.
Alexander Platz needle.
There is a chill lake near Rob’s house.
Ball is life.
Sick Dr. Doom.
Street Pong.
One last pretzel and weird sausage. I had a such a cool time in Germany, I told everyone there that I will come back once a year. In fact, I have never wrote out budgets before, but I have done it for the next few months and I am sure I can map out next year and get back there.
Mermaid at the Airport. Ich leibe dich, Deutschland.
** BOSER HUND is German for “bad dog”. Just something I learned on this trip and then got stuck saying it all the time.
We got the opportunity to do a Hamburger Eyes show in Munich! We had just wrapped up a show in Los Angeles where we hung 500 photos, so for this show in Germany I wanted to go for exhibiting 1000 photos. Chris, an old friend from SF, is now the director of the Kunstverin Munchen and he said try to think of a new show where we don’t hang photos on the wall. I was like okaaayyyy… He came up with the idea of zig zagging a handrail structure with photos on top. We made it tables instead and the idea is of an epic sequencing. I was excited to travel and to see cousin Rob who lives in Berlin and brother Dave who lives in New York.
My itinerary was nuts, as per usual. First flight was to New York. I upgraded because it was only $30 to do so. Look how much leg room. I have never seen so much leg room.
Stayed up all night partying with Dave, he made some breakfast, then I had to go to Zurich.
But not till I got a photo of these flamingos. His deck is super chill.
Can’t remember but I think it was Swiss Airlines.
I ate it anyways.
Oh yeah, so my flight was delayed in New York, which meant I missed my transfer to Milan and then another flight to Munich. I had to wait in a line for about 3 hrs to get another flight but at least it was straight to Munich and I didn’t have to pay anything.
Munich. I made it.
Met up with Matt and Chris and the gallery. Then checked into the hotel. Then passed out.
This is where Hitler rose to power.
Next day, went cruising a little, bust mostly working on installing the show.
Then straight to getting drunk with Robbo.
Little Boser Hunds.
More setup the next day.
I was psyched they liked my weird videos and wanted to show them.
Crazy surf spot nearby.
First opening night.
Dave made it.
These ladies were nice and enjoyed the show.
Then they took us to the most fanciest dinner I have ever had.
In another room of the restaurant was this sit down bar. It was rad. I am probably fucking this story up but here goes: apparently the owner was in Oregon, picked out a tree, shipped it to Japan where they carved out this bar all in one piece, and then shipped it to Munich and built this bar and restaurant around it? I don’t know. But I do know I will go to Munich again and I will come here and get drunk.
I sat down next to some random girl who turned out to be kinda cool and kinda cute. I thought I was going to at least make out with her but nothing happened. She named this turtle “Freddy”.
Somehow made it back to “Das Hotel”. That was the name of it.
About to overload you with install shots. Get ready.
Second opening night, the official opening. It was awesome. I got too drunk to take pictures. We all dj’ed off our phones and killed it. Thanks so much to Chris and Matt and the gang. I wanna come back!
Stay tuned for Part II. Berlin.