An old car.
A fake blue curb.
Chuck and a fake baby.
Efdogg and Lord Den.
by Ray Potes
An old car.
A fake blue curb.
Chuck and a fake baby.
Efdogg and Lord Den.
Tino is killing it with his new book out. I got to shoot some press photos and they used one in the LA Weekly.
At first I was just here for the holidays. And then maybe I would stay just a little longer and help the folks out. They are old and they don’t drive anymore and I will save some dough since I am looking for a new place anyways.
But then a month goes by. What day is it even? What is happening to me? Who am I?
An upgrade is happening. All systems are being fixed or replaced.
A grand healing.
I left SF and came to LA for one night. I crashed at Jamie’s crib.
Then down to SD to hang with the folks for the holidays.
It was Keith’s Bday too.
Then back up to LA to hit my storage unit real quick.
Santa at the post office surveying the land?
Back to SD.
Tango party.
My parents’ neighbor Dave dropped off a bag of presents for us. My Mom crocheted him a scarf.
I went up to SF for about a week. I think I stayed 10 days actually. It went so fast I could’ve stayed 10 more. I miss it there. I miss my friends and the pedestrian lifestyle. It is so easy to hang out. I do not miss the weather. It was cold as fuck the entire time. And rainy.
Monkey and Bibiru.
Making photos to hang for the Hamburger Eyes new issue release party at Mike’s Barbershop.
This dude is 13 years old.
Michelle had something removed from her neck.
Bill and Gut.
Fun night. Everyone got drunk. Wish I got more photos. Thanks to every one who came out.
Rad photogs, David Root and Chris Beale.
Pablo and bacon wrapped hot dog cart guy.
Hoarders. Troy says it’s fake. Troy says the whole channel is fake. Kappy says put it on mute.
I cat-sitted for a few days. She shits where ever she wants. I was warned.
Turf talk.
Samantha, Tony, Troy.
HR Giger’s alien made out of masking tape.
“It’s nasty out” or “Are you wet yet?” talking about when its raining, talking about sexting.
Stefan and George.
Mike’s Barbershop is fun.
When BB got home I asked him what is in the terrarium and he points out all the snails I didn’t notice. Then he lifts up the leaves on the bottom and there’s a grip of eggs. He eats them. He says they’re called “The Pearls of Aphrodite” or “White Caviar”.
There was a few more that I didn’t get a photo of. But you get the idea.
Andrea and Mark.
RIP ORFN. Legend status. Sad day for SF.
Kappy and Casey.
Krista and Michelle.
Photos that were texted to me.
I was getting a bunch of photos of Clubber Lang off Monkey’s tv one day. Later he sent me this rad one of Ivan Drago.
Tito’s Bday. Photo by Kappy.
Breakfast selfies with Mark.
Stefan too.
Ran into my old friend Ingrid.
Locals only. Calvin came to the party. Photo by Kappy.
Dennis sent this one the day after I had already left. He was in the East Bay.
These guys are installing a 40 foot fish tank at a casino. I love this show. My mom says she already saw this episode but doesn’t mind watching it again because she loves this show too.
Jonathan. Reminds me of a young me.
McCurdy and Max. Gay lovers.
Me and Dre.
I went to go watch UFC and Jamie’s house. This was in the courtyard area. What is it?