This year has been nuts and it’s not over and continues to be nuts. You have been forced to make some decisions, some easy some not so easy. Either way, you have now crossed the Rubicon. It is past the point of no return. Soon the page will turn and a new chapter begins. Let it happen. This is evolution, not just for you, for the entire planet.
When studying this self mastery stuff you come across the terms “scarcity” vs “abundance”. These are terms to describe the polarity of our different mindsets. The idea is that if you have problems you are most likely in a scarcity belief system and you need to move into an abundance belief system.
In seems in actuality though, not so simple or linear. It is more like “survive” mode vs “prosper” mode. The idea is to break this cycle and just be free, only living in prosper mode.
In prosper mode, we are free and creative and everything we need will come to us. That means that “faith” is a part of it, so then “scarcity” vs “abundance” becomes “fear” vs “faith”.
People associate the word “faith” with organized religion, but it is much more than that. I have fear of dropping in on a waves 6ft or bigger. That is because I don’t yet have “faith” in my surfing, swimming, and holding my breath that long. But this can be overcome with practice and experience. (The opposite of fear is faith. Not love as most people think. My love for surfing won’t save me from drowning, but faith in my practice of surfing maybe can.)
That being said, we cannot exactly say “practice = abundance”. This is how we built a messed up system. If I went to college for whatever subject, it doesn’t mean that I’ll be automatically good at said subject.
Enter the term “alignment”. This blog should be renamed “Ray’s Alignments”. Not that I am there yet or anywhere close, but most of the writing on this blog is about alignment of the mental body, the physical body, the emotional body, and the spiritual body. I think when we get these bodies all on the same page, anything is possible. And being secured into that realm of possibility is the main nugget on the path to breaking the cycle and living in “prosperity”.
This is the concept that sparked this blog and I think I just needed to re-visit and see how I got here. Thanks for rolling with.
We don’t need a hero or heros right now. We don’t need leaders or problem solvers. Maybe the world does, I’m talking about me and you, we don’t need that right now. We need ushers. We need ushers to usher in a new era.
We are the ushers. As ushers, we show our guests to their seats. Our guests are new and improved thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Their seats are this planet. We have to act fast. And remember that we are not the bouncer, we are the usher.
I say that because you can’t fight fire with fire. But you can change an environment so much in a way in which that a fire cannot get started, therefore cannot exist.
Beyond logic, beyond physics, and beyond emotion is where your intuition is. It is a connection, like bandwidth, to other realms. And the more you connect, the more that bandwidth expands.
Connect via the heart. You will know when to hold, when to fold, when to walk away, when to run ahead. Pay attention and be a better you. Thus radiate. Thus change the world.