Lunch Club II
Secret lunch club once a week at a not so secret spot. What happens is you get a photo of something and you think to yourself, “When I go back, Imma get a better shot.” Then all of a sudden you have an accidental photo series.
Our own cycles waves and patterns magnetize matching cycles waves and patterns that create our reality.
Step 1. Reverse engineer the desired frequencies, break the matrix.
Step 2. Help others to do the same. -
Find time to find the vibe.
I’ve mentioned it before. Reality is made up of over a trillion bits of information. We as humans can only perceive around 2 million bits at a time, which means each individual’s personal reality is much different than the next.
So, quite literally, a shift in our perception creates a shift in our reality.
This is our birthright. The freedom to choose which ever reality we want. Let’s follow gratitude in our choices. Let’s follow what lights us up. Let’s let go of the rope.
There are many people places and things holding us back, keeping us down, and into the dark. Yet there are just as many people places and things pushing us forward, holding us up, and into the light.
Honor them, nurture them. Seek to increase the people places and things that multiply and expand and deliver more light into your life.
What is the purpose of all this self observation and self analysis? What is the purpose of any analysis? It’s to get better, do better, and be better than the day before. That’s all.
I think when we are busy sorting out baggage and entanglements we forget it is for the purpose of getting lighter. And brighter. Shine on.
I don’t think we can use our brains for hopping timelines. This is a task for the heart. I mean, we do have to use our imagination, but we are not using that to-do list part of the brain.
We feel how we want to feel, the heart then emits a frequency that magnetizes a future timeline. We import the new future behaviors and actions which instantly transform the present timeline. So we didn’t really time travel or hop timelines, we merged a future one into this one. This shows how time is malleable or manipulated.
Obviously, we can’t predict the future. In certain areas though, we can use our imagination and come up with probable timelines for what will happen if this then that. This is regular timeline analysis that we all do, but we forget to check in with our hearts, like what exactly are we feeling compared to how exactly we want to feel.
A major part of this new chapter is thinking less and feeling more. This post is inspired by a quote I saw on IG, “Replace all your lists of things to do with lists of how you want to feel.” – Maryam Hasnaa