Do you feel hurried lately? I do too. Like scrambly like hyper. I had a bunch of ideas of what to do once the world opened back up post pandemic and now that it’s half opened up those ideas dried up or are drying up.
The vibe is all vibes. No more to-do lists, just vibes.
Have patience during installation of new operating system.
“Patience is not passive, on the contrary it is concentrated strength.” – Bruce Lee
Sometimes I catch myself noticing all entries and all exits when I enter a bar or restaurant. I don’t know why. Some mobster movie I remember as a kid, some character saying he always has to face the door when sitting down for food.
In the restaurant of life, are we aware of all possible entries and all possible exits and our current position in relation to these entries and exits?
I think about this when I have already started a project and am not feeling it, like maybe I entered the project too late or too early or came in the side door instead of the front door and I don’t really know how to get out unless I jump out the second floor window. Or not. Just saying.
You ever notice when you are doing awesome everyone wants to participate and party, and then when you are sucking at life no one is around and actually seems like they might be avoiding you?
One concept about it is when they say, “People are your mirror.” I think maybe it’s more specific like people or your entire reality actually is a mirror of your current feelings, both conscious and subconscious.
Sure there are the haters trying to bring you down when your up and vice versa, the comforters trying to bring you up when your down but the theory works there too. Those people could be a particular part of the reflection of your self doubt when you are up or your optimism when you are down.
Those are the easy examples but there are tougher to decipher feelings like confusion or overwhelm or eagerness or accomplishment etc.
This is the idea that the universe is working for you. You experience these reflections or you are shown something to experience the contrast or spectrum of choice and then adjust accordingly.
But, this is reactive. We are reacting to the reflection. We wanna be proactive, we wanna create the reflection.
In summary, your feelings are your reality. I am proposing that it’s worth the time to excavate and sort them out. Easier said then done, I know.
I had dinner with a friend tonight and we were talking about if we will ever know the truth about everything in our lifetime for instance UFOs, Atlantis, Bigfoot, etc. But then we thought maybe we are not supposed to know everything. Like how important to life is curiosity, imagination, mystery, wonder, bewilderment, etc. Reminded me of Rumi..
“Sell your cleverness and buy bewilderment.” – Rumi
For the past decade or so for me it’s been all about the quest for chill or the quest for more chill or the quest for the most chill. In business and in everything: Is this even chill? How can I make it more chill? What does the most chill version of whatever I am looking at look like?
But you then realize chillness is finite. Especially in relationships you notice that people are either adding to or taking away from your chill. So, you start avoiding non-chill people. But that’s not chill. That’s the paradox.
The evolution or next level of chill is “peace”. Peace is deep and vast and infinite. Because it is infinite you can give it freely, share it, swim in it, etc. There is no worry of any person place or thing interrupting it.
A person with no chill will not understand your chill. A person with no peace will not only understand your peace, they will also be inspired by and will receive any peace you have to offer.
Let us seek peace.