I am mostly a glass is half full type of guy. But, I am also a grass is always greener type of guy. (We are humans and we contradict ourselves.) I know everyone’s grass is totally different and I know other people’s grass should be none of my business yet I still look at mine, then look at theirs, then look back at mine. I’m thinking better grass must exist somewhere else, just not here.
I’m wrong. We’re wrong. The best grass is our own grass because we grew it. There can be no better grass. It may need some work. It may need a miracle, but no other grass at whatever vibrance of green will ever satiate or fulfill us.
To each his own. Her own. They own.
Honor and respect to all grass near and far, past present and future.
Happy New Year to you and all of your peoples. Enjoy what needs to be enjoyed in these weird times. The world needs more light, your light. Radiate.
Find time to find the vibe. Sometimes action alone won’t actually get the job/goal done. Sometimes that goal isn’t even meant for you, or it was created in fear, or it doesn’t contribute to your expansion.
I think it’s always been action then clarity then vibes. Nowadays I think it’s vibes first, clarity, then action. Let’s try it and see if this upcoming year can be different.
In this now moment we have the freedom of choice. In this now moment we have the choice of freedom.
Both the past (events) and the future (desires) are stored in memory via imagination held together by our every day thoughts feelings and behaviors. Thus, in this now moment is all that is, all that was, and all that will ever be. In this now moment is our connection to the best and worst versions / potentialities of us. In this now moment is our only power, the power of choice.
Went to San Diego for a couple days. It was fun.
Not sure exactly how and why, but I just can’t get myself to post anything on IG anymore. Not even stories which I usually like to do. IG is broken. So I’ll post here what I was meant to post there.
It’s weird because social media really ushered digital photography into my life and now it’s reversed, my photos not able to shake hands with my IG acct.
We can get critical of ourselves and/or others sometimes, but each of us is on our own individual mission. We are on a journey of completion, to become whole. Every thought feeling and behavior steers us off of or back onto the path. Appreciate the spectrum of choice. In ourselves and in others. Honor the journey. Honor the path.