Category: RESEARCH
Part of the fun of moving these prints is clearing storage. It’s feels good to get rid of stuff. Not comparing myself talent or skill wise to Lil Wayne, but it reminds me of an interview I read with him. When he was putting out all those mixtapes, like 2 a month, what he was doing was going through all his notebooks of written lyrics. He was purging those books so he could go on to rap just off top like Jay-Z who never writes anything down.
Maybe I’m purging my prints so I don’t have to make them anymore. Just zines books and blogs from here on out.
We are having fun selling these prints. It’s cool to see which ones people are willing to possibly frame and hang in their office or house, or toss in a drawer or box or garbage.
I have hundreds of these prints. I just like to look at my photos this way. It makes it easier to group them and sequence them and show them.
I used to want to make everything gigantic, 30×40 inches up to 8ft x 12ft, but now I realize these smaller prints are closer to what I really do which is make zines and books.
We are raising funds for future issues of Hamburger Eyes.
Prints for $25 each.
I plan to add more every day until a new issue or two is born.