Category: RESEARCH
If anyone is paying attention, my site needed a php upgrade which is why it was down for a min. It meant I had to re-do the theme templates. I don’t know if this looks better, but it works better on all devices. I will have to do the same on the Hamburger Eyes site.
Rest In Peace, my friend Dave Schubert. I always admired how you approached your photography, getting in and out of wild spots, breaking cameras, your body, head, and face trying to get a photo. It was important. Each frame had a great elaborate story that somehow referenced the entire history of photography and mankind. Each frame was momentous.
It was, is, and will continue to be inspiring. In your honor, I hope to infuse more passion and devotion into my own photography.
A work trip to rainy SF for a weekend. Just recalling now that we went for dinner with a bunch of people and Kappy mentioned to the waitress that it was my birthday, “Nah, not my birthday.” And that was that. But it was! I had forgotten my birthday was a week before. I should’ve played along. Still fun tho.
I’m usually on 18th these days, this time I stayed on 24th Street. It was a pleasant surprise going to all my old spots coffee shops and restaurants and they remembered me from years before.