This is Luis. A lot of people I meet through friends. I met Luis at goth nights in SF. Whenever there was a fight, he was in the mix. It turns out he ran a black and white darkroom rental facility at the same time as I did and we have a ton of mutual friends too.
I saw him at a bar called Zebulon the other day. I had assumed some lame djs were gonna be playing so it felt like I was in for a treat when I saw a band setting up with sitars and bongos. But then they started and it was super mellow. I was hoping it would get more jammy and psychedelic but it didn’t.
I said I was going to try and write every day. I don’t think it is impossible, but I have other sites and responsibilities I have to maintain. I guess here is me trying to get out of it already on the first post of the new year.
I’ll make a deal with you, not that you care or that any one is even reading this. How about I will post everyday. Either photos or writings or podcast. That’s not really a deal, that’s a proclamation. An editing of a proclamation I already made. Or really just a personal mission because I wanna see if I could do it.
Ok, more tomorrow.