Category: RESEARCH
Enjoy the ride.
Use reality to influence purpose. Use purpose to influence action. Use action to influence thoughts. Use thoughts to influence feelings. Use feelings to influence vibration. Use vibration to influence reality.
Do not dismiss your position. Do not dismiss your opportunity. Do not dismiss your talent. Do not dismiss your individuality.
Acknowledge the contrast. Sometimes we are only looking at the the bad stuff, and sometimes we are only looking at the good stuff. Let’s look at everything at once and notice how the bad stuff steers us to the good stuff.
We can then appreciate the bad stuff. That appreciation is acceptance of the shadow side, also known as shadow work. That appreciation is expansion. That appreciation is moving out of duality and into unity.
Once we are unified internally as individuals, then we can start the work of being unified externally as a society and culture. Once we learn proper service to self, we can learn proper service to others.
If you have expectations, reset them. Not saying aim lower, I’m saying aim higher. And figure out what it means to have aim. The target is a location in a certain time and certain space. The destination must align mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. The destination must also be a place of health, wealth, love, and purpose. When the destination is clear, the map will appear. The map is the goal. The way is the goal.
What a time to be alive. This virus got us cooped up and it’s hard to stay distracted. But I think that’s the thing, maybe we’re not supposed to be distracted.
I would say “stay positive” but I know it’s not easy. Easy to be worried and anxious and lots to complain about right now.
We can try to be grateful though, we can try to confirm the good things in our lives. We can confirm our friends and family, our creativity, and our purpose.
I like this idea of confirming and confirmation because it’s factual. It’s fact finding. It’s not a guess or a weak signal.
“I have food and water and internet,” as opposed to, “I have no money,” I am not saying to ignore responsibilities, I am saying we gotta work with what we got.
“Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself. ” – Rumi
Create the creations. Create the universe. Prosper.
Frequency precedes reality. Influence frequency, influence reality. Create frequency, create reality.