For the past decade or so for me it’s been all about the quest for chill or the quest for more chill or the quest for the most chill. In business and in everything: Is this even chill? How can I make it more chill? What does the most chill version of whatever I am looking at look like?
But you then realize chillness is finite. Especially in relationships you notice that people are either adding to or taking away from your chill. So, you start avoiding non-chill people. But that’s not chill. That’s the paradox.
The evolution or next level of chill is “peace”. Peace is deep and vast and infinite. Because it is infinite you can give it freely, share it, swim in it, etc. There is no worry of any person place or thing interrupting it.
A person with no chill will not understand your chill. A person with no peace will not only understand your peace, they will also be inspired by and will receive any peace you have to offer.
Let us seek peace.