Month: June 2021
“The magic is in the work,” another saying I heard on an NBA broadcast. The big time buzzer beaters and big time dunks in the big time moments are a result of practice on a daily basis. Practice counts. Preparation counts. Attention to the details counts.
I tried to convey this idea multiple times on people’s podcasts, but I always screwed it up. I say something like, “It’s not about shooting good or bad photos, it’s just about shooting”. Then it reverts to them asking, “Well how do you choose the cover?” and then I get defensive and flounder and say something like, “The covers don’t matter.” And then I’m the weirdo.
I should’ve said something more about how photographers should be practicing their technique and skill and talent everyday so when those big time moments do come, they/we are ready for them.
Obviously we don’t want everyone to look the same, dress the same, act the same, listen to the same music, etc. We need variety. Yet still we get presented with people places and things that can be overwhelmingly irritating.
At first I thought that maybe we are presented with this crazy contrast simply to make choices and gravitate one way or the other. When we know what we want, then we know where we are going. We need direction.
But now I think that is just the first half of it. The second half is appreciating that we have the choice at all. This appreciation of the entire spectrum of our choices past present and future is the shadow work. From here we can appreciate the choices of others and then appreciate and experience oneness.
I know we live in a reality of duality. Chaos and order, contrast and similarity, wholeness and fragmentation, light and dark, etc. But we can take a time out to appreciate the game, even just for a minute at least.