Knock Knock.
Who’s there?
Lettuce who?
Lettuce in, it’s cold out here.

I don’t know how else to say it, I meditate and messages appear. Usually messages of wisdom. I will try and ask for directions or specifics but nope, just nuggets of wisdom. I share these nugs on this blog. This is a blog of nugs. Sometimes the nugs come every day, sometimes way less. You already know.

Sometimes I knock on this innermost cosmic door and there is no answer, just a note that says “Patience”.

We are going through so much change and transition these days that we need a little more patience for ourselves and for those around us. Everyone is going through it. Clarity can take time and that’s ok.

We need not have an opinion or judgement or criticism about everything right now. We need not have a decision or stance or public statement about everything right now.

Let’s be easy on each other as we start out this new year. Let’s be easy on ourselves too.