My car has an engine noise and an oil leak among other things. The mechanic I trust says the repairs will costs more than the car is worth, so enjoy it while it lasts. I don’t think our human repairs will cost more than we are worth, but I do think we sometimes forget to enjoy it while it lasts.
Year: 2019
I can tell from my stats that a lot of people visiting this site these days are people that have never been here before, so I just wanna pop in and say what up. It turns out that I am not yet living my dream life where all of my wildest fantasies are fulfilled, but upon some research I am finding that it is possible and these blog notes are some of my discoveries.
I also am finding that a lot of my issues are the same as others, if I can find something to help myself it will probably help someone else out there too. If you are living the dream life outside the matrix, then maybe this blog isn’t for you but maybe you can email me and set my sails in the right direction.
One thing I am thinking about today is our power struggles. Where are we drawing our power from and is it a clean energy or does it produce some toxic waste that needs to be disposed of?
Also when our energy is low we either switch to back up power, like our belief systems and auto behaviors. Or we go and try to extract it from another person place or thing. In both situations we get entangled and burdened and don’t even know it.
I think we often try to untangle stuff and get meticulous with it, but like gum in the hair maybe it’s better to just cut off a chunk and wait for it to grow back proper.
The purpose of a radiator is to provide heat or cooling to a car, a perfect analogy to the purpose of our thoughts. Our thoughts radiate the temperature of our reality. You could go as far to say that our thoughts create our fate. If we wish to change our present fate, then we must change our present thought.
Influence vibration with more vibration. Influence frequency with more frequency.
Ok when a superhero movie makes a billion dollars you think about bigtime action, bigtime special effects, super powers fantasies, the hero archetype, etc. Easy to understand the mainstream appeal.
What about the Joker movie clearing a billion? This is a dark movie about a dark villain. Why did so many people “enjoy” it? Many reasons and I’m sure many other blogs are breaking it down frame by frame.
The movie hits on a lot of things and mental health was a big one. I think that while we all have fantasies we also have truths. The world is changing rapidly and all issues are being forced to be addressed in order for us to evolve, both as individuals and as a society.
I think this is what resonates the most for me about the film. A little bit wake up call, a little bit empathy, but mostly evolution vs de-evolution.
For every new Tesla purchased, there’s another homeless tent set up on the street. For every new phone technology, there’s another new prescription drug to get addicted to. Etc. Sure you could argue “balance” of nature. I wanna argue for leveling up beyond duality.
We’ve mentioned anchors before. These anchors that tie you down to your current timeline prohibiting any kind of movement. We usually speak of them as an old thing holding you back. A past event or circumstance that you are dragging along with you but guess what you can have future anchors too. Or anchors in other future timelines that are holding you back.
Think about it. You have an future you have been working towards, suddenly that idea doesn’t feel right so you change course. This new path is way better in every way yet something is slowing you down. You haven’t fully let go of that other thing, even though it doesn’t even exist.
It’s not so much about letting go. It’s about not getting anchored in the first place. It’s about releasing attachment to a desired outcome. This doesn’t mean don’t try, it means being in the moment and trusting yourself. This is the flow state.
It’s all forks. I’m talking about the forks in the road. Every millisecond we have life changing decisions to make from over 1 trillion different options.
I thought the correct way was to reverse engineer a desired outcome and choose the path that would get you there quickest or funnest or both. I was wrong. Turns out I’m not even driving. None of us is.
Auto pilot is driving. When it’s time to make a decision no matter how big or small, auto pilot chooses the answer based on stored data. That data is made up of beliefs and stories from life experience, not just our own but others experiences too.
When we end up in a place that we don’t want to be, it’s because our auto pilot took us there. This is the alert to re-calibrate the auto pilot. Auto pilot is our subconscious mind.
We can optimize our subconsciousness with our regular consciousness and/or our cosmic consciousness.
Purposeful behaviors (thoughts, feelings, actions) can influence the auto pilot by giving it new data to work with. Meditation grants access to other multiple levels of a larger database where new maps and info can be downloaded and used by our auto pilot.
The open road ahead is sometimes hard to see and confusing because it actually doesn’t exist yet. Today every thought, feeling, and action paves the road for tomorrow.
This doesn’t necessarily mean “live for today” or that “tomorrow isn’t promised”, I think it means that living consciously today will make for a more expansive tomorrow.
I also don’t think it means that we have to micro manage today’s activities. Discipline is in play here sure, but I think focusing on this now moment takes the sting out of worry or anxiety about the future.
Ying yang symbol, checkboards, pie charts etc are all different ways to change perspective and simplify things like the contrast of extreme opposites and all the levels and gradients of everything in between. Not so easy when trying to apply this to time and dimensions and different systems that govern reality or even reality itself.
The more you zoom out, the more you realize you should be zooming in. And then vice versa. If you go beyond it, you notice this action of zooming in and zooming out at the same time is the shape of the universe.
This shape, known as the toroid, also happens to be the shape of all energy fields including your own.
If from this beyond perspective we can see that reality is a giant doughnut of swirling energy, then we can easily see infinite more doughnuts. These infinite doughnuts are infinite realities. This perspective is beyond time and space and beyond belief. From here all thoughts are valid and all thoughts are fully realized, yet all that is realized is illusion.
These illusions show us where truth is, it points to our beingness in this now moment is all the truth we need.