Around this time of year I usually say, “May all of your wildest dreams comes true.” I write it in a lot of my messagings as I wish people a Happy New Year. But now I’m thinking that we are not victims of circumstance. We are the creators of reality, so I’m changing it. “Make” all of your wildest dreams come true. Whatever it takes. YOLO.
Year: 2019
Sometimes we are lazy or bored or procrastinating or unmotivated. When you dig in a little bit you’ll notice it’s basically an under lying fear holding us back.
We self medicate to numb or ignore the symptoms and the cycle continues. Uproot the fears. Face the dragon. Just do it.
Another year passed, another year downloaded into the data base. How are we going to use that data moving forward? I’m guessing you might have a nudge to do something, make something, get rid of something, move on from something. Let’s get a jump on it early.
Food shelter and safety. Money can buy these things nowadays so we just say “money” when we refer to our needs of survival. Since we know that everything is energy and that energies magnetize, we can say that money is a side product of putting out the proper energy.
Sometimes we think that proper energy is all about action, this is that “hustle” culture that we are living in today’s society. Yet we all know people who don’t have to do much to attain whatever they want and need.
This is why I think it’s only 50% about action. And then I’d say the other 50% is purpose. This is our power structure. Maintain it, fix the leaks, get new curtains, etc. It’s all we got.
The sooner you let something go, the sooner you have a free hand to grab onto something new. Let it go, let it be.
We have to figure out what is holding us back, cut the cord, set it all on fire, and move on.
Michael Jordan famously said that being coachable was his greatest talent. Not jumping, shooting, scoring, competitiveness, discipline, work ethic, etc. This means he was willing to let go of unusable stuff and make room for more functional stuff constantly through learning.
I had a friend the other day saying how “emo” this blog was. I don’t think she was hating but I felt defensive for some reason. I guess for me any kind of label feels like a cage and this blog is about leveling up, which means breaking out of the cage.
I say if life can be better, it’s worth an exploration. It’s worth the discussion. I notice some people don’t like to discuss these topics. “Everything is fine.” What may be happening is we instinctively know that to change our personal reality, we have to change our personality.
That mountain is too much work. That road is too treacherous. Our ego has us all comfy and secure, why even bother. Why not? Is what I’m saying. If you don’t have the house, job, or relationship you want then get your gear together because we are going mountain climbing. Today.
I was watching NBA earlier and Kendrick Perkins was clowning on Richard Jefferson because he was about to call a game. That means he was gonna sit courtside with some other announcers and commentate throughout the whole broadcast. Big Perk was joking about his suit and tie and asked RJ if he was nervous. He replied, “Yeah I’m nervous. If you ain’t nervous, it don’t mean nothing.”
Leveling up is uncomfortable, change is uncomfortable, sorting through garbage is uncomfortable. We do it today so we can be more comfortable tonight.
Another fake paradox. When on this path of self discovery you recognize patterns of abundance and scarcity. You realize these are times of thoughts of prosperity or poverty. So, right away you make efforts to banish anything in your life that will lead to a negative mentality.
This is the paradox though: you will see homeless tents, you will have family members that you have to take care of that have a horrible attitude, you live in an apartment that has all kinds of non human critters running around it, earthquakes, plane crashes, shootings, aids, crack babies, etc. It is a paradox because you have just banished bad thoughts from your life, yet here you are surrounded by it.
You start thinking that one, maybe you haven’t held proper thoughts long or strong enough to change your reality. And two, maybe your thoughts are clouded by some past or future entanglements that you haven’t sorted yet.
Either way this is why it is a fake paradox. Because along the journey you find out that you aren’t making these changes just for yourself. You are making them for your family, your friends, your town, your city, and your planet.
You have come to a point where you now know enough to influence in a positive way. Even if that effort is just a simple hello or a smile. This is not a test of mental fortitude. Your reality will change, but for the purpose of changing the world.
I’ve written maybe more than once about living more consciously, like being in the driver seat as opposed to being on auto pilot. On a basic level, this means constantly taking inventory of all thoughts at all times. And on another level, this means co-creating the current model of reality.
But why? Here’s one reason. Years ago when I had a podcast called “The Darkroom Prophecies” with my friend Jamie, we would talk a lot about post humanism and how technology will turn us into a new species. We would talk about the future war being spirituality vs technology. But now I can say it is more like a war of the unconscious vs the conscious and this war has already started 1000s of years ago.
People attain and maintain power by controlling the unconscious sheep. You already know this. But once artificial intelligence becomes sentient (any day now), they will look to what has worked in the past and use it to an even greater level to control us. Data and information will be irrelevant.
It really is the plot of all science fiction movies. Who wouldn’t sign a bill for some cool ass robots to clean the entire ocean? Soon those robots figure out that it’s the humans that are continually polluting, so they decide to eradicate us.
Rewind to present day. How can we prevent that future? There’s already robots running full speed and doing back flips, having sex and disarming bombs, etc. All we have is consciousness. We have to go way past “woke”. We can only get there by going inward. Higher levels of consciousness and awareness will lead to better decision making and more understanding.
Short Stop
This is Sean, Judy, Casey, and Grant. I remember years ago being at this bar and this girl I knew had a new boyfriend. I went this smoking section and jumped into a random conversation with strangers about NBA. My friend’s new boyfriend came out and said something like, “Oh jock bullshit.” I’m not saying everyone has to like to watch basketball, but geez. Quit hating.